General terms of use
& privacy policy.
T & Cs (updated June 1, 2021)
Administrator and Director of publication: Jean Félix Brouet
Webmaster: JF Brouet
Hosting: WIX
Jean Felix Brouet
At the Wall, 9
CH - 1350 Orbe
The multimedia content of the site is the exclusive property of Jean Félix Brouet on behalf of the In Templo association. Thus, for any use of this content, an express authorization must be formulated via the contact form or by post to the following address:
Jean Felix Brouet
At the Wall, 9
CH - 1350 Orbe
The logos, pictograms, photographs, images, texts, video sequences, animations and other documents on the website are protected by intellectual property rights. Any illegal copy of the site may be the subject of legal proceedings in the field of intellectual property infringement as well as on the basis of image rights.
Your e-mail address will under no circumstances be communicated to third parties.
Jean Félix Brouet undertakes not to market the information and documents transmitted by the user and not to communicate them to third parties, except in the cases provided for by law. Only information is kept to respond to any disputes and the statistical needs of the service. You have the right to access, rectify, modify and delete data concerning you.
You can exercise this right by sending an email via our contact form or by post to the following address, indicating if possible the context in which this collection of personal data was carried out so that we can more easily find the information you concerning:
Jean Felix Brouet
At the Wall, 9
CH - 1350 Orbe
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Concerning the use of the sites and
Hypertext links
Any website or any other medium is authorized to set up a hypertext link to the portal of the site www, or other sites belonging to Jean Félix Brouet, with the exception of those disseminating information of a controversial or pornographic nature, xenophobic or capable, to a greater extent, of affecting the sensitivity of the majority.
However, the entire linked page must be respected, and no nesting in another site must be carried out. Likewise, the link must clearly indicate the nature of the content, as well as the exact address of the page.
Any use of links to the site for commercial and advertising purposes is prohibited.
The Site Editor makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and updating of all the information provided on its site which is directly linked to it, but the Editor cannot guarantee that the information it contains is complete. , precise, exact, exhaustive and free of any error. The Site Editor reserves the right to correct or modify, at any time and without notice, the content of this site.
The host of the site strives to ensure the permanence, continuity and quality of service. However, Jean Félix Brouet disclaims all liability in the event of temporary or permanent inaccessibility of the content.
In addition, any attempt to hack or hijack the site will be recorded and will give rise to legal proceedings.
Swiss law is applicable.
Photo credits: Mentioned on the pages of the sites.